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Corporate Foundations

Corporate Foundations

The support we receive from corporate foundations plays a vital role in helping us enhance the care and treatment of patients at University Hospitals Dorset.

Donations we receive from corporate foundations enable us to fund projects which directly impact the care of patients and their families across our hospitals.

What impact can corporate foundations have?

Together with our corporate foundation partners we have funded specialist equipment, innovative new technology to improve patient experience and projects to support staff well-being and development.

What have our corporate foundation partners achieved?

Nurse's with a new Morrisions Flojac

Morrison’s Foundation provided a grant of £12,706 to our FloJac appeal. This enabled us to purchase two FloJac lifting devices which are now in use by our rehabilitation and older people services. These devices lessen the time a patient spends on the floor after a fall and limit further injury. This also reduces the risk of staff injury due to lifting. These devices make a significant difference and enhance the care we can provide to our patients.

Nurse's looking over a babies crib

Tesco Community Grant awarded us £1,500 to fund a subscription to vCreate for our clinical teams in the neonatal unit at Poole Maternity Hospital. This secure video messaging service allows them to send video updates to parents at times when they are unable to be with their baby. The moments captured on the app reduce anxiety for parents and allow siblings to form a bond with their new baby brother or sister. The downloadable videos also create lasting memories for all family members to keep forever.

How can you get involved?

If you are interested in partnering with us through your corporate foundation please get in touch.  We’d love to hear from you!

A list of our current projects that you can support can be found here.